Heads in the Sand
Looking forward to a great awakening once the new administration is in power to force people to stop pretending.
Unsurprisingly, the Supreme Court denied my petition for rehearing. Petitioning for rehearing was the longest of long shots, but I had to take the opportunity. The Supreme Court’s refusal means that the federal courts are continuing to pretend there was nothing wrong with the COVID vaccines. They have their heads in the sand. I’ve looked some of these judges in the eye and they do not have a clue. The greatest crime against humanity in history is still hidden from the public at large. A good portion of the public knows what is going on. Many more have suspicions, but they would rather not think about it—and so they don't—and the greatest crime in history remains roiling under the surface while the villains go unpunished.
Thinking about how to get people and the courts to pull their heads out of the sand reminds me of the amazing poem by Margaret Ann Alice, “Mistakes Were Not Made” which was later read so effectively by Dr. Tess Lawrie and Dr. Mike Yeadon. “Mistakes Were Not Made” is a tour de force that cuts through the mountains of incriminating facts to deliver an emotional punch like only a poem can. Margaret’s poem ends:
Don’t let Them get away with it.
Don’t let Them get away with it.
Don’t let Them get away with it.
Not letting them get away with it has been my passion for more than three years now. Our next best chance to wake people up and bring the criminals to justice is Bobby Kennedy and the Trump administration. I cannot wait for the accounting to begin in 2025.
On with it!
The great American reawakening is long overdue! May God empower us all to do what we can to restore a free, just, peaceful, and godly land where loving our neighbors as ourselves becomes a daily practice!